Saturday, 11 August 2012

how to heal after break up :)

  1. Accept that it is over. Your sweetie is gone. It's no ones fault, it happened. If it was meant to be, it would be.
  2. Don't blame yourself. It takes 2 to tango. A relationship is built on mutual trust and understanding. If you made a mistake - admit it, but don't dwell on it for too long. Beating yourself up for months on end isn't healthy.
  3. Give space. Space gives perspective. Now is time to live in the present. Think about things but don't obsess. The other person needs space too. It's not just hard on you, but them as well.
  4. Be strong! You can do it. Use this time and energy to better yourself. Eat well, exercise and get sleep.
  5. Nurture the relationships that you to have. Your friends know you're hurting. They are there to help you, but also be grateful for them. Now is the time to strengthen the relationships that maybe you were neglecting before. Buy your mom flowers, take your friends for dinner, buy your dog a collar. Flip the script and show them you're the strong one!
    * and don't forget to PRAY!!

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